


   The city schools of Grand Haven have reached a position of excellence in the educational scale that is indeed flattering to our municipality and its people. The high school in this city is one of not more than eight in the state of Michigan and among her great cities, who’s graduates may be admitted to the university without further examination. The several schools would also seem to be a unit in all that goes to to produce good attendance, good moral and good scholarship, supported and sustained by the city’s best citizenship and best society undivided.

   At the graduating exercises last evening, the Opera House was crowded to its greatest capacity and many who would have been glad of a seat were turned away. At 8 o’clock all who could find room were in the house, which was elaborately decorated with ferns and flowers, beautifully and tastily arranged, and needed only the presence of those in whose honor all of the loveliness was presented to make complete. Soon after eight they came, first the superintendent, principle and teachers, followed by the graduating class and members of the high school, who marched up the isle and took their places on stage.

   The instructors are Egbert L. Briggs, superintend’nt; Lora A. Smith, principal; Brownie Bromley, Lucie E. Keller, E. Galdys Jones, assistants.

   Graduating class,—"The Merry Seven," are Grace Louise Althouse, Kate Cherry, Matie Farnham, Helena Balmano Hiler, Sarah Olivia Mull, Anna O’Beck and Julia Annette Soule. The exercises were interesting and listened to with close attention, and reflected credit on the young graduates, their instructors, the City of Grand Haven, its high school, and all the participants in the exercise, and on the appreciative audience.

   Every number on the program was well rendered and heartily applauded. The essays were without exception delivered in a manner showing careful training and discipline, and their varied subjects were treated in a manner that exhibited careful study and not a little originality of thought and language. The oration showed oratorical talent and was, indeed, quite a masterpiece of eloquence, and the difficult class valedictory—"Grit" also reflected credit on its performer.

   Following is the program as given:

          Music—Welcome, Karl Marx, By the High School.

          Prayer by Dr. W. Wilkinson.

          Anthem—Chorus of Pilgrims, Arr From Verdi, school.

          Essay—"Sorrows Remembered Sweeten Present Joys," Sarah Olivia Mull.

Essay— What are We Living For? Helena Belmano Hiler.

Essay— On the Threshold, Kate Cherry.

Essay—Greatness in Littleness Matie Farnham.

Music—Their Native Land, Masini.

Oration—Two Civilizations, Julia Annette Soule.

Oration and Valedictory— Grit, Grace Louise Althouse.

Class Song— Farewell of the Merry Seven.

Presentation of Diplomas, prefaced by appropriate remarks, Mr. Geo. Stickney.

   On behalf of the class, Miss Julia A. Soule then presented the high school with a bust of Sir Walter Scott, which was accepted and the presentation responded to by Miss Lora A. Smith in behalf of the school.

   An appropriate address to the class, and fitting remarks to the audience by Prof. E. L. Briggs followed after which "The Vesper Hymn" was rendered by the class and the exercises closed with a benediction by Bishop Geo. D. Gillespie.


Grand Haven Public Schools Roll of Honor.

The following pupils attending the various schools have been neither absent nor tardy during the entire school year 1890-1:

Louis Behm

Martha Boss Dick Vyn
Miner Leland Ida Smith John De Young
Will McMillan Fred Ensing Matt Pellegrom
Jennie Nell Frank Van DouBerg Kate Vandenbosch
Ernie Reynolds Dick Lefebre Casie Donker
Minnie Van DerMeiden George Bowell May De Glopper
James Watters George Solms John Stokes
Carrie Brown Maggie De Young Jennie Nedervelt
Fannie McMillan Frances Fritz Arrie DeKlep
Henry Abrens Tony Peppel Charley Colson
Etta Boet Louis Osterhouse Louisa Gaulki
Margaret Watters Henrietta Boss Nellie Barlow
  Gerry Kamphouse  

                                                                                                               E. L. BRIGGS, Supt.

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