The Evening Tribune September, 1891
Back to School.
The Fourth Ward school house has just received a good cleaning preparatory to the fall term to commence next Monday. Mr. Bolt, the efficient teacher, looks well after the hygienic as well as the intellectual interests of his pupils.
Grand Haven Public Schools.
The public schools of the city open for the fall term Monday, Sept. 7th. It is very desirable that pupils be ready to begin attendance the first morning as classes will be organized and regular advancement begun during that session.
To accommodate any who desire to confer with me regarding their classification, I will be at my office in the Central Building, Thursday and Saturday from 9 to 12 a.m.
Pupils who fail in their examination or were absent during the closing weeks of last year should come one of these mornings for examination as it will be impossible to give them the attention they will require Monday morning.
E. L. Briggs, Supt.
In a week or two the children will all go back to school with renewed energy for tormenting the teacher.
Will Teach Our Schools.
The following is a complete list of teachers employed in the Public Schools and the grades of each during the school year, beginning Monday, September 7th, 1891.
E. L. Briggs, Superintendent.
Lora A. Smith, Principal—High School.
Chas. M. Gill, Assistant.
Birdie L. Wren, Writing and Drawing.
Eloise Marcy, Music.
Marie D. Holzinger, Eighth Grade.
Mattie Chappell, Seventh Grade. Sixth and Seventh Grades.
Anna McGrath, Sixth Grade,
Kate Laffin, Fifth and Sixth Grades.
Addie M. Clark, Fifth Grade.
Carrie Utter, Fifth Grade.
Clara A. Clark, Fourth Grade.
Almira J. Gray, Fourth Grade.
Hattie Babcock, Fourth Grade.
Amelia VanToll, Third Grade.
Nellie DeGlopper, Third Grade.
Viola Eames, Second Grade.
Nettie Cherry, First Grade.
Gertrude Pellegrom, third Grade.
Mary VanDenBerg, Second Grade.
Addie Walkey, First Grade.
John J. Bolt, First to Second Grade.
Clara E. Bell. First Grade.
Lizzie McMillan, Second Grade.
Margaret Young, First Grade.
Carrie Hotchkiss, Kindergarten.
Kate Cherry, Assistant Kindergarten.
Helena Hiler, Assistant Kindergarten.
Isabel M. Thompson, Librarian.
Schools and Teachers.
There was an enjoyable meeting of teachers in the High school room this afternoon. Music, singing and short accounts from each, of their summer vacation were among the pleasures of the meeting.
Among the teachers for the ensuing year are a number of new faces, but, to most of them the room and work of last year, will be familiar to all of them, all apparently, have had an enjoyable rest and return to their work with renewed energy and faith.
Mr. Weatherley of Grand Rapids, is giving the steam heating furnaces in the Central School Building a test before the school board this afternoon.
Miss Lora A. Smith arrived in the city Thursday after a vacation spent at her home in Alaska, Mich., and partly in Jamestown, N.Y.
Miss Holsinger who will teach the 8th grade arrived in the city from Olivet yesterday afternoon.
The Superintendent should see that no pupil enters school Monday when scarlet fever or any contagious disease is in the family. A great many parents are afraid to send their children to school on account of the prevalence of these diseases.
Akeley Institute opened it’s ’91-’92 school year today with an average attendance.
Twenty-five boarding and three outside pupils are in attendance in Akeley Institute, while 20 have been refused admittance, from lack of room. When the annex shall be completed 75 or 80 more can be accommodated. Akeley College is a popular institution.