The Evening Tribune October,
Silas Kilbourn & Co., will immediately rebuild their recently burned mill and kit factory. The mill and factory will be larger than before.
Mr. Lucius Lyman is preparing the plans and specifications of Silas Kilbourn’s & Co., new factory and saw mill.
Furniture factory matters are running along nicely, with more orders in than can be filled. An order now being filled is from Chicago for 130 suits.
Match Factory Matters.
Stockholders in the match factory Tuesday evening and elected the following board of directors: H. W. Buswell, S. H. Boyce, B. W. Parks, Jno. A. Pfaff and Geo. D. Turner. The directors will meet Friday night to elect officers. The capital stock of the company is $25,000, paid up stock $10,000. The building of the machinery continues and as soon as finished a building will be ready to receive it.
Business Men Organize for
Protection of all Honest People.
The business men of Grand Haven met Friday evening at City Hall and heard from Mr. A. J. Abbott a complete explanation in detail of the advantages which result from organizing under the Protective Plan provided by "The Merchant’s Mercantile Agency of Chicago, Illinois." The Grand Haven Subscribers Branch was then organized, the following gentlemen being elected the officers:
F. D. Vos, President.
John M. Cook, Vice President.
F. Pfaff, Secretary.
John Cook, Treasurer.
Executive Board.—John J. Boer. Henry Meyer. J. VandenBosch.
Down by the C. & W. M. Junction, where that enterprising and well managed railway intersects Washington-st., better known in fact and story as corner Washington and Seventh streets, things are always lively; business is always good. C. N. Addison & Co., are seldom lacking the opportunity to "get right up and hustle" while at Boer & Bolt’s is a veritable "Bee-Hive" of industry. The East End Shoe Store has the confidence of a large patronage for reliable dealing, while C. VanZylen manages to hold up his end in the flour and feed business in a creditable manner.
The Archie McIlhainey of Detroit, the best piano tuner in the state will be here next Monday. Parties having pianos to tune or repair will please make note of this.
Fourteen years ago today Joseph Koeltz came to this city. The city then was in a rather dilapidated, so to say, condition, but the succeeding seven years saw it prosper in an unprecedented manner, and Mr. Koeltz prospered with the town. Then came seven years of depression and dull times for the city in comparison with the others. But these are about over, in fact the past year has seen much improvement and advancement, and Mr. Koeltz is one, who believes in its steady progression from now on. So do we all. Mr. Koeltz is celebrating this 14th anniversary by tending strictly to business as usual.
The Kalamazoo Gazette very properly remarks: "People who live in Kalamazoo should make it a point to patronize those who help to pay the taxes, own or rent stores and have some interest in the welfare of our city. Strangers who slip in here twice a year during busy season, take a few hundred dollars out of the place, then fold up their tent and disappear are not entitled to the encouragement of our citizens." THE EVENING TRIBUNE would suggest that the Gazette’s remarks would apply with equal force to Grand Haven.
Owing to the rough weather, this fall has proven very unfavorable to the operations of Lake Michigan fishermen.
Here is a new way to stimulate business. An Indianapolis druggist found a nickel on the floor of his store. Being an honest man, he put this notice in the window: "A sum of money found on Tuesday last in this establishment. The owner will realize the same upon describing the money." Hundreds and hundreds of people have since called and announced the loss of money. Their respective losses range from two dollars to fifteen hundred dollars. No one has announced the loss of the five cent piece. Al who have called spent money in the store, chiefly for cigars. A merry twinkle glitters in the honest druggist’s eye, as he looks at the lucky pocket piece which has brought him so much trade.
An Important Publication.
A perfectly reliable company will publish a Business Directory and Compendium of valuable information pertaining to Ottawa county and its public and private interests, and have it ready for delivery before the opening of next season. It will be just such a work as the people of the county have always needed, but never had.
Prominent business men of each city and town in Grand Haven, Holland, Grand Rapids and Chicago, are encouraging the scheme and have already extended a liberal patronage. Canvassers will visit every man at the head of an Ottawa county enterprise, no matter how small, for the purpose of obtaining information, and soliciting orders for the work. It is urged that every man interested in the county will assist the agents in their work.
The publishers design to make it the most complete work of its kind ever published in Michigan. A work that will show up old Ottawa in her true light.