The Evening Tribune August, 1891
Match Factory.
The necessary stock of $10,000 has been raised for the establishing of the match factory and it will be erected as soon as possible. The H. W. Buswell property where the cutter factory was situated is understood to be the site.
The stock holders are Chas. Dake, H. W. Buswell, S. H. Boyce, Jacob Baar, Fred Kimball, Dr. A. Rysdorp, Dr. Hofma, George D. Turner, Pfaff Bros, J. D. Duursema and Dr. J. N. Reynolds.
Spring Lake.
The Cutler & Savidge Lumber Co. will remove one of its mills located here to Sawyerville. Since 1879 this firm had converted 500,000,000 feet of pine into lumber, lath and shingles at this place. The highest season’s cut was in 1884, being 68,198,076 feet. Last season their cut was a little over 4,000,000. Next season, if the winter is favorable for lumbering in the section, they expect to cut logs for nearly a season’s cut, which will probably finish their lumbering operations in Spring Lake.
Wm. Vandenberg has the contract for painting the Opera House roof.
Grand Haven is to have a new match factory. Though matches were made in Grand Haven.—Grand Rapids Telegram Herald.
Fifty orders for suits have been received by the Grand Haven Furniture Company, this week.
The grape crop of Western Michigan promises very large and a fine quality. Walter Phillips of this city estimates his crop at 40,000 pounds. Mr. Phillips leaves for Duluth, Minn., soon to market his crop, and prominent fruit growers on the lake shore have made arrangements with him to handle their stock also. He will be in Duluth until sometime in November, and anyone wishing to communicate with him should address him there.
The Dake Engine Co., shipped a an engine express Thursday night to New Orleans, La. The engine weighed 1,065 pounds and the charges were $55. An extraordinary package to ship by express.
Willie Bilz has been appointed agent of the Evening News at Spring Lake. Willie is a bright boy and will fill the position satisfactorily to all parties.
Jas. Safford had his arm very seriously injured at Bloecker’s foundry this afternoon.
W. C. Dewey, one of the directors of the Grand Haven glass company, says the company will commence operations soon.—Grand Rapids Democrat.
From the Michigan crop report for August we take the following: A. C. Northouse, Grand Haven, Ottawa Co.—Apple crop will be short. Not over 10 per cent in this locality. Late peaches also not over 25 per cent.
Andres House Change.
Edward Andres has sold his furniture and fixtures and leased the building to Mr. Joe N. Rue. Mr. Andres has had personal supervision of the hotel for the past eight years and has conducted a first class house, entirely all of which is due to to his untiring energy. Mr. Rue does not step in entirely inexperienced as he has been clerk of the hotel for a long time. He is a hustler in every sense of the word and all can rest assured of good management. He takes charge Sept. 1st.
A screen painter is doing a good job with screen doors in J. W. Kibler’s place of business.
F. D. Vos is putting has just put additional shelving in his crockery store to accommodate large purchases of new goods which are now arriving.
Will Manufacture Tobacco.
Jos. Koeltz has decided to branch out somewhat in the tobacco business. The recent law, reducing the tax from 18 cts. to 0 cts. per pound, making it again possible for the small manufacturer to compete with the larger concerns.
Mr. Koeltz was a manufacturer of cigars and tobacco in New York before moving to this city, and when he came here packed away his tobacco cutter and left it there. Deciding, as before said, to go into tobacco manufacturing here he sent for the machines, which arrived this morning . His start in the new branch of the tobacco business is an experimental one, but will prove successful without the shadow of a doubt. Tobacco manufacturing is a business distinct from that of cigar manufacturing and requires and additional bond of $5,000.
John Walsh, who’s interests are in Chicago, but who has been stopping with his parents in Spring Lake for some time recuperating his energies prepatory to a fall and winter business onslaught in the Garden City, was hustling about our town this morning. There is a probability that "Johnnie" may return to his first love, the little city of churches across the toll bridge, for good and enter business there.
The vacant building adjoining Van Wormer’s restaurant is being occupied by G. L. Venstra as a boot and repair shop.