Grand Haven Daily Tribune  July 19, 1909


Canoe Overturned in Surf.

   N. E. Brown, the Washington street photographer, had a rather thrilling experience at Highland Park yesterday afternoon.  Mr. Brown is fond of canoeing and spends a large portion of his spare time in the convenient little canvas canoe.  He is, in fact, a canoe expert and he has wielded the paddle in the northern forest streams and over the northern lakes.  He has shot rapids and polled currents and there is no sport he likes more than canoeing, lively and exciting canoeing.
   Late yesterday afternoon he embarked in his frail little craft and paddled down the Grand River
, out of the harbor, and into the lake.  There had been some sea on Lake Michigan all day and the waves were sweeping in with long, deep rolls.
   The canoeist found good sport outside, with his canoe riding perfectly in the long swells but before he realized it he had approached the beach too closely for safety.  In a moment his canoe was in the breakers.  He hesitated a moment, trying to decide whether or not he would make a run for the beach through the breakers or head out to sea.
   Suddenly his craft swung broadside to the breakers and instantly a great comber broke over the canoe filling it completely and overturning it.  The daring rider of the waves was dumped into the water and soaked by the rolling waves.  But he had passed through more strenuous experiences than that in his canoe career and he calmly waded ashore.
   The accident occurred near August’s pier in shallow water and there was no danger whatever connected with it.  Mr. Brown retired to August’s pavilion where he dried out his clothes and prepared for the return trip.  When he was ready, he launched his canoe and started out again through the breakers.  He made the trip home without further accident.
   Mr. Brown’s only loss was his hat, which he lost overboard where his boat overturned and was not able to recover it.