Miscellaneous Short Articles




   There is a rumor current about the city that Mr. J. C. Young was instrumental in having Mr. Graham arrested for keeping his saloon open last Sunday. I emphatically deny that Mr. Young had any complicity in the matter in any matter whatever, nor did he have any conversation of any character with me that day or until after the arrest was made. Mr. Young is a man who minds his own business, and if some other people did the same, the city would be much better off.


City Marshal 




   The fire department was called out at one oclock this morning to fight a sawdust fire near the Spring Lake bridge. The fire spread so rapidly that the lower end of the bridge and underpinnings soon caught fire and threatened it with destruction. At last report the bridge was yet impassable. The fire men are still working.

   The second alarm fire was turned in from the tannery at about 4 oclock a. m. proving to be another sawdust fire on the Bailey dock which was spreading to the tannery yards, but was put out before doing any damage.


Another Fire at Highland Park.


   A fire at Highland Park Thursday night threatened to destroy that beautiful resort. Capt. Walker discovered it, and he called Mr. Mansfield [owner of Highland Park Hotel] and other sought his assistance. He also telephoned for help which proved unnecessary, as he succeeded in extinguishing it with Mr. Mansfields help after some hard work. If fire ever gains headway the Park is doomed, cottages, hotel, and shade trees will all go, and Highland Park will be a thing of the past. People who own property there ought to make arrangements whereby telephone connection could be had during the winter, as it will be of utmost importance to secure help from the fire department on more than one occasion during the winter.



   Thomas Rooney died at Fremont yesterday at the age of 109. He had smoked daily for 90 years, was the father of 14 children, only four of whom are living, had 30 grandchildren and 52 great grandchildren.


School Teachers Harassed.


   It is not all a luxury to be a school teacher in Grand Haven. Bad boys from school, and some who do not go to school, call to teachers as they pass along the streets. If the young ladies have escorts life is made doubly miserable for them. Grand Haven should be deprived of her primary school money and an extra large sum should be raised for kindergarten schools, to teach, the bad boys the rudiment of good behavior.Detroit Journal. If Grand Haven school boys are particularly worse in behavior than other city school boys, why is it?


A Ghost.



   Our people were startled Saturday by a report that a ghost was holding forth within our borders. It was seen patrolling along the C. & W. M. railroad track Friday night near the residence of Mr. Bowman. Naturally the people in that vicinity were very much frightened, thinking it the spirit of some departed railroad man come back to haunt the railroad company. Of course the residents along the track keep a nightly vigil, but if the ghost is a human being or visionary object is not yet known.

   It is reported that different parties saw the specter on his nightly tramps for the past two weeks. In fact, now that the report has come out everybody has seen it.




   A number of residents on Pennoyer avenue, in the eastern part of the city, were aroused from their sleep the other evening by a strong masculine voice singing "Nearer my god to Thee" at utmost capacity. Investigation proved it to be one of our ex-constables taking rapid strides down the middle of the road with a lantern in one hand and a large club in the other. Indeed a ghost story will unnerve the bravest.



Capt. Joe Kirby claims he met the ghost the other night between C. N. Addison & Co.s store and his residence.



   A Nuisance.A young woman is going about town selling nick-nacks, and among other things offering to sell her illegitimate eight-month-old baby for five cents. She says shes and Arabian and lives at Grand Traverse.


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