Grand Haven, Mich. February 1892
The steamers Wisconsin and Roanoke are both in today. The Roanoke arrived at seven this morning.
The Grand Rapids Democrat of yesterday publishes the names of the heaviest life insurance policy holders in this vicinity, and credits Chas. E. Boyden of this city with a snug $250,000.
Michigan has an Indian population of 6,091.
Congressman Belknap of Grand Rapids is a hustler for his constituents. He helped on the bill for a public building in Grand Haven, advertising that little city splendidly, and is now tireless in his work for the deepening of Grand River. Such a representative is worthy of all praise and prospects of any district thus represented are good as gold.—Muskegon Chronicle.
“Open thy Window” was the title of a vocal solo very acceptably rendered by Mrs. Hutty.
The president, Mrs. Parrish, then announced that several ladies who had traveled in the South and West would read papers giving their impressions of the places visited.
“Impressions of Mexico,” a paper by Mrs. Boyden was a description of the cities of Monterey, Mexico, Pueblo and Orizaba. Also a very interesting account of the habits and customs of the Mexican people.
“Impressions of Texas,” a paper by Mrs. Kedzie, touched upon points of interest en route from Texarkana to El Paso gave a very complete and interesting description of El Paso and the Mexican city of Paso del Norte.
“Impressions of Southern California,” a paper by Mrs. Hunter Savidge, was a fine description of Santa Barbara and vicinity.
“Northern California,” a paper by Mrs. Sheldon, was much enjoyed. It described a trip to the cities of Sacramento, San Francisco and Stockton. Also to Oakland, San Jose and other places of interest in the Santa Clara valley. The paper closed with a poetic tribute to the beauties of the beauties of the “Golden State.”
“Impressions of Colorado and Utah,” an interesting paper by Mrs. H. W. Buswell, described a trip to Manitou, Pike’s Peak and a visit to the grave of Helen hunt Jackson on Cheyenne Mountain. Also a trip to Salt Lake City.
“When the Wind Blows in from the Sea,” a vocal duet, was well rendered by Mesdames Koster and Boyce.
Mrs. Robbins, Jr., then read a paper on “Sewing as an Art,” an interesting account of a sewing school established in Chicago.
“Competent Sculptresses,” an article read by Mrs. Finch, was an account of designs submitted for the ornamentation of the woman’s building at the World’s Fair of 1893.
Saturday Feb. 6th is “History Day.”
Collars appear higher, and the Medici shape continues in favor.
Len Fisher is rapidly recovering from an attack of the grip.
This past week has been intensely cold, bridging the Straits of Mackinaw from shore to shore, and teams are now crossing on the ice. The ice is solid for miles on Lake Huron. The lower portion of lake Erie is also well packed with ice and more making.
The committee on rivers and harbors of the House of Representatives disposed of the leading Michigan items yesterday. St. Joseph harbor was taken care of and the Grand Haven improvement bill was passed, although $67,000 of last year’s appropriation is yet available. The Holland dredging project for which $45,000 was asked for, was allocated a considerably smaller sum. The Grand river improvement was not considered and will probably not be, for some time.
Dorr S_____ has been completing the field work of the survey of the proposed route for a freight line between this city and Grand Haven by way of Jenisonville, and now is at work at the profiles and maps. He thinks if the citizens of Grand Rapids, who are desirous of establishing water communications between here and the lake by flat boats would put their money into equipping the road for freight lines it would be a much more satisfactory investment from a financial standpoint.—Grand Rapids Eagle.
The day gains upon the night. The strife of heat and cold is scarce begun. The winds that come from the desolate north wander through forests of frost-cracking boughs, and shout in the air the weird cries of the northern bergs and ice-resounding oceans. Yet as the month wears on, the silent work begins, though storms rage. The earth is hidden yet, but not dead. The sun is drawing near. The storms cry out. But the sun is not heard in all the heavens. Yet he whispers words of deliverance into the ears of every sleeping seed and root that lies beneath the snow. The day opens, but the night shuts the earth with its frost look. They strive together but Darkness and the Cold are growing weaker. On some nights they forget to work.
Henry Ward Beecher.
Charlevoix will soon be reached by the C. & W. M. Ry’.
It is rumored that the Vanderbilts have bought the C. & W. M. and the D. L. & N. Rys to run in conjunction with the Lake Shore.
The vacant buildings in the west end of the city are now nearly all occupied by fishermen in making nets.
The Roanoke broke the season’s record yesterday by bringing in a cargo of 1154 tons. The average load is from 900 to 1000 tons.
City Expenditures for January
(From Council Proceedings)
The Bill of the Electric Light and Power Co. on motion of Alderman Nyland was allowed as follows, for pumping water as per contract, $133.33, for electric lights $140.30 for the month of January …
The President presented a contract between the city and Robt. Convey providing for the city to buy the Spring Lake bridge if rebuilt by said Convey by a license from the Board of Supervisors of Ottawa County providing it should be so desired and manifest by the city on motion of Alderman Vaupell, the acting Mayor and Recorder was so authorized to sign such contract in behalf of the city …
On motion of alderman De Glopper the marshal was instructed to request the electric Light & Power Co. to put an alarm whistle so as to be heard by the engineer in case of a fire alarm.
A party of ten couples assembled at Miss Minnie Van Schavan’s last evening and whiled away several hours playing cards, games, etc.
The initial number of the Ottawa County Times, published at Holland, is at hand and presents a neat newsy appearance. The Times will be published weekly and be Democratic in politics.
A lady and gentleman, circus performers, were among the guests at the Washington House Monday evening, and regaled the other guests by performing some of their hardest feats, for which the hat was passed and a neat little sum taken.
A party was given by Herman Nyland last evening at his home in the 4th Ward at which 80 persons were present. The evening was spent playing cards, games, etc. until a late hour. An excellent supper was served.
Little Miss Jessie Haines was given a surprise by about fifteen of her small friends last evening. The party first met at Miss May De Glopper’s and from there went to Miss Jessie’s home on Second St., remaining until 9 o’clock, spending the evening playing games and in social chat incidental to little folks.
At the initial performance of the Eunice Goodrich Co. engagement last evening the house was filled. The play presented was “Braving the World” with Miss Goodrich as “Uprightly” in the leading part. The play was well rendered, all the cast being perfectly versed in their parts, and the applause that greeted them almost continuously showed that the audience were well pleased. This afternoon a matinee will be given presenting the musical burlesque “Little Red Riding Hood.” At the concluding performance this evening the Opera House should be filled to the street as the prices are within the reach of all, and the play is among the best of the kind that ever touched here.
Washington, Feb. 2—Chairman Bankhead has served notice upon all congressmen interested in public buildings that he has appointed an advisory committee of himself and Messrs. Warner, Newberry, Abbott, and Willis, who are to receive all reports from the sub-committees, and, having previously determined how much money ought to be expended, proceed to cut their coats according to the cloth. This decision has an important bearing upon the Grand Haven public building bill, which has occupied much of Congressman Belknap’s attention of late. Mr. Belknap appeared before the sub-committee today and was informed by Mr. Newberry, in all probability, the committee would not report favorably any new public buildings bills unless the sites were donated by the districts in which it is proposed to erect the buildings. Mr. Belknap was somewhat taken aback at this statement, but promptly assumed the responsibility of pledging Grand Haven to presenting the government with a site. To the correspondent of the Democrat he said, today, that he felt the people of Western Michigan would stand by him in the pledged, and that the committee would, in all probability, push the bill forward as soon as convinced that a site would be procured without expense to the government.—Grand Rapids Democrat.
The total expense of the supervision and inspection of steam vessels for the eighth district last year was $31,481.10. The district embraces Detroit, Chicago, Grand Haven, Marquette, Milwaukee and Port Huron. The inspector reports having gone through 1,085 vessels, 98 vessels were built during the year and 17 went out of service. He inspected 1,254 boilers, found 35 defective and condemned 1. Seven steamers foundered, 18 bad fires more or less severe, and there were 18 collisions, 9 lives lost by explosions, 3 by collisions, and 8 by accidental drowning. The property lost by explosions was valued at $5,000, by wreck $21,000, by collision $153,950, and by fire $178,800. there were 7,094,470 passengers carried during the year, of which 5,246,811 passed through the Detroit district.
When the D. G. H. & M. passenger rolled into Detroit at 7 o’clock last night a little boy was found curled upon one of the seats. Who left him there is not known and he was sent to the House of Providence.
Nate Van Riper, who was sent up to Ionia from here for three years for larceny in Coopersville, was arrested at Grand Rapids yesterday. His friends think him crazy and an effort will be made to send him to Kalamazoo. Van Riper had just completed his term at Ionia.
Jas. Harvey was arrested last evening by the night watchman Peter Cook for creating a disturbance and using indecent language in front of the Opera House. Justice Reynolds released the boy on suspended sentence but has instructed the Marshal to arrest all boys who make it a business to congregate in front of the Opera House after the show has commenced. This is a good move by the officers, and will be appreciated by opera goers who have to pass the Opera House on their way home.
Death of Mrs. John Wiles.
Mrs. John Wiles died last night at 10 o’clock at her home on Second street of consumption. Mrs. Wiles had been ailing for some two years, but had taken to her bed only ten days ago.
Mrs. Wiles was 34 years of age having been born in April in 1858, at Spring Lake or what was then known as Mill Point.
Her father Geo. H. Osgood was a quite prominent man in this section and served during the war in the Third Michigan Cavalry. Her husband Mr. John Wiles, her mother Mrs. I. H. Sanford and two daughters aged 6 and 8 years survive her.
The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon at two o’clock from the house.
Many thanks to the Herald for its allusion to my article on “Gulls”. I thank the Herald because it has given us so valuable an article on the necessity of a railroad on the south side of the river between this city and Grand Rapids. He has laid out the work well, and shown some of the best reasons why this road should be built. The interests of the two cities demand it. The intervening county demands it. The south side interests have long been neglected in this respect. And I would cordially support, advocate, and reiterate about all the Herald has says on the subject. And I earnestly hope the efforts now made to promote the object, and the utilization of the old Michigan and Ohio road bed may be crowned with abundant success. But the Herald will bear in mind that I said nothing about this M. & O. project. I did not allude to it as an instance in which the good people of Grand Haven were “gulled”. So that his allusion to my article, and his “Gulled? No Sir” is quite a “non sequitore”, a wrong inference, it does not follow. It is outside the record. Yet I thank that paper for calling attention to it.
I have not at hand the data to verify the Herald’s figures but will assume the correctness of its statement that our citizens spent “$40,000 in securing the right of way and in constructing the road bed of the old Mich. and Ohio road bed from this city to Jenison.”
Now I venture to ask in all soberness if our citizens paid $40,000 18 years ago toward building a railroad that was never built, and that has never repaid them a penny of principle or interest, if they were not cheated—defrauded—gulled—to that amount? Did they have any thought when they paid that money in 1874 that they were casting their bread upon the waters to gather it again after eighteen years? And if now after the lapse of about one fifth of a century, some other parties come in to make that $40,000 available to our good to the full amount of that sum, who has paid or will pay the interest on that investment. And who shall say Grand Haven has not been gulled for 18 years?
Juvenis Jr.
Newaygo will have electric lights.
There are rumors of still other changes soon to be made in some Grand Haven businesses.
Died last evening at ten o’clock the one and a half year old daughter of Mrs. J. Kool.
Messrs. D. D. Mason and G. S. Putnam are making plans for a summer cottage which they will build at Highland Park, Grand Haven, the coming summer.—Grand Rapids Eagle.
There is little hope of the recovery of the four-year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob DeSpelder. The child was taken seriously ill soon after their arrival in this city for a visit about two weeks ago.
A deputy sheriff from Montague came down yesterday in search of Chas. Donahue who lives near the life saving station and escorted to Montague.
C. N. Addison & co. have been very busy for three days taking stock. They have about finished and judging from the length and breadth of the smiles which prevails the establishment, the balance has been found on the right side of the ledger and in a good healthy degree.
Of the Milwaukee & Eastern Transportation Co.’s boats which ran to this harbor the early part of the winter and later returned to Benton Harbor, one is tied up at Chicago docks, and is frozen in at Benton Harbor, neither of them having made more than one trip after they left this port. There is but one winter harbor on the west shore of Lake Michigan, and that is Grand Haven.
[Grand Haven is on the east shore of Lake Michigan.]
A Strange Rumor.
A report gained currency this morning seemingly well substantiated that a farmer living near Berlin, had a daughter die under suspicious circumstances. It seems that the man who is a widower, had a daughter working at Grand Rapids. She was taken ill and came home, but the father neither got or allowed medical assistance for her and as an outcome she died, and was buried by the father in a rough box without services of any kind and unknown to the neighbors. Sheriff Vaupell accompanied by Dr. Vanderveen left for there this morning to investigate the report.
About the Hotels.
Said a prominent traveling man to an EVENING TRIBUNE representative: “I consider the new Livingston Hotel excelled by none in Grand Rapids. The rooms, baths and beds are splendid. I never have found better, and the bill of fair is all that the most fastidious could wish for.” Speaking of the Cutler House he said: “There is a good Hotel for you. No other city of its size, or even much larger in the state can offer a better hotel. I don’t see how the town affords it. “Gaze on that,” taking the dinner bill of fare for the day from his pocket, “I shall take this to Traverse City with me and show it to the landlord of the ―― Hotel. He always waits for me when I am there and we sit down to dinner together. I’ll take this out of my pocket and give my order from it. Then you’ll see ―― look. He may walk on me, but I’ll do it just the same,” he said, as he meandered into the smoking car.
N. R. Howlett, a Grand Haven capitalist, and John A. Pfaff, and insurance man from the burg, dined at the New Livingston yesterday. Mr. Pfaff was accompanied by his wife.―Grand Rapids Herald.
Mrs. H. P. Wyman, of this city, registered at the Livingston, Grand Rapids, yesterday.
Gone Wrong.
William Baird, a Grand Haven man, is in trouble at Grand Rapids. Baird is employed as porter at the new Livingston Hotel. Yesterday he and Will Ryan an elevator boy were arraigned in Police Court, charged with stealing a gold watch valued at $75 from the room of Mrs. G. Clapp, a guest at he house. They were arrested during the afternoon by Detective Smith and finally confessed their guilt and led the officer to a vacant house where they had hid their booty. Other articles to the amount of $150 worth were found.
Ryan is 17 and Baird 25 years of age. They were released under bonds of $300 each. Baird has been employed at the Cutler House in this city and also at the Spring Lake House.
Second St. hill is again the great magnet for the youth of the city today.
We have been informed by a party that we were in error when we stated that the bear did not see his shadow on Candlemas Day as the sun was out for a short time on that day.
Articles of association of the Valley City Transportation Co. will be filed at Grand Rapids today. The total amount of capital is $20,000. The boat that is being built will draw 14 inches of water and carry 100 tons of freight and 400 passengers. It will run between Grand Rapids and this city with offices at Grand Rapids.
Representatives Belknap has secured a hearing for Senator Ferry before the river and harbor committee on Monday to urge the importance of Grand Haven harbor improvement. The public building will be taken up by a sub committee Monday and Mr. Belknap will be given a hearing. It is thought doubtful if it passes this session.
A bill has been introduced in the Senate appropriating $100,000 for a monument at Put in Bay, Ohio, to Commodore Perry. One of the vessels which took part in the great naval battle which made him famous now lies sunk off Ferrysburg. If the bill were passed for the monument and this boat raised and transported to Put in Bay at the unveiling it would be the object of much curiosity.
An Inhumane Father.
Sheriff Vaupell accompanied by Drs. Walker and Vanderveen and Prosecuting Attorney Danhof left for Conklin yesterday to find out what truth there was in the report that the daughter of the farmer living near there had died and being buried under suspicious circumstances. The girl was a daughter of Germans named Pfeiffer. She had taken sick and died.
The father to save funeral expenses made a coffin and buried the body without services of any kind.
The body was dug up and examined by Drs. Walkley and Vanderveen to ascertain if foul play had been done, but after a thorough examination they came to the conclusion that death was caused naturally, but hastened by the inhuman like action of the parent in allowing no medical assistance.
When the coffin had been taken up Pfieffer implored the officers to open it carefully, lest the cover and nails should be broken and put him to more expense.
Contactor Fred Gronenvelt has taken the contract to build a patent dry kiln for Silas Kilbourn & Co. It is called the improved hot dry kiln and the dimensions are: Dry house 17x60―32 feet high; shed each side 10 feet wide and eight feet high. Engine house 17x 33―10 feet high.
Whalebacks Coming.
Below we published what purports to be a line of whale backs, between this city and Milwaukee next winter:
Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 21.―Ten steamers are at present plying across Lake Michigan delivering freight, principally flour, to the eastern trunk lines, and next winter there will probably be twelve. The Delaware & Lackawanna Railway Company last week established a route between Keewaunee and Frankfort with the steamer Osceola which left Port Huron the first week in January and succeeded in passing through the Straits without great hindrance from ice. The eastbound freight handled by Osceola reaches the Lackawanna system at Toledo over the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Railway. According to current gossip the Canadian Pacific will also compete for a share of the flour trade of the west another winter. Having secured an entrance to Detroit, Grand Haven will next be reached through a traffic arrangement with the Chicago & West Michigan and Detroit, Lansing & Northern railways, and a line of steamers will then be run between Grand haven and Milwaukee during the winter months at least. The large whaleback steamers Pillsbury and Washburn, now in course of construction at West Superior, to run between Gladstone and Buffalo, are virtually the property of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and unless found too large will no doubt be utilized for the new winter line. The information here conveyed affords a satisfactory explanation of rumors that have been afloat for several weeks concerning a proposed introduction of whaleback steamers on the Grand Haven route in the near future.―Marine Review.
A Pig Story.
From the fourth Ward comes a story bordering on the supernatural. A certain family in that part of the city owned a pig which they deemed proper to kill, being worth more dead than alive at this time of the season of the year. Killing day took place Friday and several of the neighbors were sent for to assist in the operation. Piggy was brought forth and duly sat upon by two men while the third performed the delicate operation of cutting his throat. The last despairing grunt had been given (so the executioners thought) and all repaired to the house for the flaying. What was their amazement upon returning to find Mr. Pig quietly munching upon some food which he had found, and none the worse for his rough treatment? He was set upon once more and slain after an hour hard struggle. Whether the pig was possessed of several cat lives or the killing was done by amateurs at the business is not known, but neighbors strongly suggest the latter.
The electric lights now burn until 6 in the morning.
John Boer, one of the busiest bees in the “Bee Hive” is on the sick list.
The town clock stopped this morning, caused by snow blowing into the hatch which had been left open by the janitor the night before.
The man Pfieffer of Conklin, who by his stinginess caused the death of his daughter, in not securing medical aid is getting a notoriety more than local. Not only the state but the national papers publish long articles relative to the case.
Chicago is under a veritable reign of terror. Thieves and cut throats infest the city and bold robberies are committed in broad day light upon the public streets. Twenty-two instances of being held up and robbed were reported Sunday night. More murders have been committed lately than ever before in its history.
William L. Baird, the Grand Haven man who was employed as porter at the New Livingston, Grand Rapids, and while in that capacity stole a gold watch and other articles from the rooms of boarders, was brought before Judge Burlingame yesterday and sentenced to a year at Ionia. William Ryan, the elevator boy who was connected with him in his thefts was given like sentence.
The report handed the EVENING TRIBUNE yesterday afternoon, that Dr. McNett had suffered a stroke of paralysis, although seemingly coming from a reliable source, proved to be without foundation and the Dr. is enjoying health as good as common, which the TRIBUNE trusts may continue indefinitely. The report gained currency no doubt from the fact that Dr. slipped on the icy walk near his home, but injured himself in wise.
Successor to C. N. Addison & Co.
As heretofore announced in the EVENING TRIBUNE, the firm of C. N. Addison & Co. has been dissolved by mutual consent and the business is to be continued by John Cook, the former partner and now sole proprietor.
Mr. Cook came to Grand Haven two years ago from Holland where he proved very successful in mercantile life. When he came to this city he purchased a one half interest in the grocery business of C. N. Addison & Co. and has carried on a successful business.
In the mean time, Mr. Cook has by good reliable business methods gained the confidence of the public, and by genial, friendly nature made many personal friends.
The prompt service and ingenious methods of the old firm, it is hardly necessary to say, will be continued by Mr. Cook, while the store, we understand, will be made still more attractive by improvements that as they appear, will be appreciated by the buying public.
Mr. Cook has push and enterprise backed by good business judgment, and it may be counted on as positive that the business of the old stand, now under Mr. Cook’s sole management, will grow and continue to prosper.
Those who watch the heavens closely see two stars in the western horizon very close together. These stars are Venus and Jupiter. Early last Thursday morning they came in conjunction, brief as it was, very nearly accomplished an occultation, or the passage of one over the other. The event was one of great importance to astronomical observers. Jupiter will now hide his face, while the lovely Venus will shine in all her splendor during the remainder of the present month. It may be mentioned that she made her visit to Jupiter under the auspices of the constellation Aquarius. The visit was a very conventional affair after all, for notwithstanding, the planets got 100,000,000 miles closer together than usual, there was all the while the safe space of over 400,000,000 miles between them. Their conjunction was more apparent than otherwise. They were simply on the same plane and in the same meridian of our view.
Michigan had 96 horses trot a mile in 2:30 during 1891.
It is reported that a new enterprise in the shape of a grocery, will shortly be started in the building recently vacated by Van Lopik & Sons.
Wm Anson who was arrested at Cutler House some months ago for stealing money from E. Mitchieson of Muskegon is being tried before circuit court at Muskegon.
Several young men from this city went out with the tug Merrick last night to witness her clear a passage in the ice outside the pier for the Roanoke. The experience was too arctic like for some of them who walked ashore on the ice arriving here about one o’clock this morning.
The Roanoke left for Milwaukee about 8:30 last evening but remained until nearly that time this morning within a mile of the piers, being stuck fast by the ice. The Wisconsin coming from Milwaukee also became stuck in the ice about 4 a.m. and was not dislodged until nearly 9. The ice tug Merrick was out all night working between the two steamers. At one time the tug became lodged between two heavy drifts and was unable to move either way, but the ice soon after shifting she was released.
Senator Ferry Still Suffers
From the Strain of Being President.
“I must retire early,” said ex-Senator T. W. Ferry to the Kalamazoo Telegraph on his way to Washington rising and adjusting his skull cap. “I have never fully recovered from an attack of insomnia, brought on by the Hayes count.”
“Let me see” observed the newspaper man. “You were president of the United States 24 hours were you not?”
“Yes, and it was Sunday. But that whole thing was a terrible ordeal for me. The nervous strain was fearful and I never fully recovered from it. I tried to get my fellow Republican senators to give me some advice as to how to act, but they gave me none. Senator Sherman, one of the leading speakers to the Republican senatorial caucus at that time simply said to me, “You have the honor of the position Ferry, and must take the responsibility.” I was so fearful all the time that something might transpire to involve me and through me the whole party that I scarcely slept nights. That trying time brought on sickness and insomnia which I have scarcely fully recovered. For months at a time I get along with only four hours sleep each night.
[The proceedings of the Woman’s Literary Club (Woman’s Club) will no longer be included in this compilation on a regular basis as the subject matter is not sufficiently relevant to the local history of the area. The proceedings presented thus far were intended to show the formation and nature of that organization. Various Woman’s Literary Club activities that are relevant will be included from time to time, otherwise a complete record of their meetings can be found in the Evening and Daily Tribunes on microfilm in the Local History Department of the Loutit Library.]
The D., G. H. & M. pay car will be here tonight to make the freight hands happy.
Peter Ball and Art Koolman and Muskegon would-be sports were contestants in a rabbit hunt for points yesterday. The Muskegon chaps were not in it from the start, being beaten 18 to9.
The committee on pomology and horticulture appointed by the Michigan commissioners for the World’s Fair met at Grand Rapids yesterday. Walter Phillips of this city, who is one of the delegates, was in attendance Committees were appointed to look after the exhibits and other important business was disposed of. Walter Phillips was appointed one of a committee of three to appoint sub-committees to cover the entire state in the interest of the fruit exhibit to be made at the fair
The school flag floats in the breeze today, it being the 83d anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth.
Ex-Senator Ferry, Congressman Belknap and Senator Stockbridge called upon President Harrison yesterday spending a pleasant half hour with him in the big cabinet room.
A runaway near Cutler House created some excitement this afternoon. A black colt driven by a stranger made things lively by jumping over the thills and dragging the driver nearly a block before he could be brought to a stop. Nobody hurt and the cutter not badly damaged.
The first meeting for 1892 of the Muskegon classis of the Christian Reformed church took place at Muskegon yesterday. Rev. DeJong and Rev. Kuiper of the Christian Reformed churches of this city were present. The case of Elder George Baker, of Spring Lake, whose occupation sometimes kept him from the services in the church on Sunday, and against whom complaint had been made by some of the members, was considered and was decided that he was not at fault in the matter and relieved him from all blame. Whether the matter will rest with the decision is not known. The next step to be taken will be an appeal to the Synod, which meets in Grand Rapids in June. The matter will probably rest where it is, as this is the second time it has come up and disposed of in this way.
Sudden Death of Mrs. Pennoyer.
Mrs. John Pennoyer passed away very suddenly and peacefully at her home on Franklin street last night, being found dead in her bed this morning by her daughter, with whom she slept.
The cause of death was heart disease, from which she suffer, being confined to her home since shortly before Christmas, but she was not believed to be in a dangerous condition, and her death was a great shock to her husband and children and many friends.
Mrs. Pennoyer was born at Spencer, Ohio, 48 years ago the 2nd of January last. She was married in 1868 to Mr. John Pennoyer, at Grand Rapids. For the past 30 years she has resided in this city with the exception of a two year residence in Texas. To Mrs. Pennoyer and her husband three children were born; Edward, an employee in the bank, Stella, and Charlie, the youngest.
The deceased was the last of three sisters to die, and has four brothers, one residing in Ashland, Wis., one in Idaho, another in Washington, Lemuel, a resident of this city.
Mrs. Pennoyer was an estimable woman, a good wife and affectionate mother.
The funeral takes place at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday at the house. Rev. R. Lewis conducting the services.
At the Corn Planter office an extra force are busily employed mailing circulars.
Jerry Boynton is still working and agitating the railroad question. We are all sanguine enough to believe it means business, which will only take a matter of time to accomplish.
Death of D. J. Duursema.
Again we are called upon to chronicle the death of one of Grand Haven’s oldest and estimable residents. Dreewas J. Duursema departed this life at his home on Franklin St. at 12:30 last night after a short illness with la grippe.
Mr. Duursema was born in Groningen, Netherlands Dec. 28, 1826, being therefore 65 years of age at the time of his death. In 1855 he emigrated to America and settled in this city where he made his home ever since. June 8th, 1857, he was married to Mrs. Johm Mieras two children were born to them, Jennie who is dead and John D. Duuresema. Mrs. Duursema was the mother of two children by her first marriage. Wm. Mieras of this city and Mrs. C. Blom of Holland.
Mr. Duuresema was a Christian in every sense of the word, and had been a member and a regular attendant of the First Reformed church since erection. As a father he was held in most affectionate esteem by children and step children.
The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock from the First Reformed church.
News for Grand Haven.
Milwaukee, Feb. 12―Col. Albert C. Boone of Zeeland, Ohio, is in conference with the chamber of commerce committee on commerce regarding the establishment of a lake and rail line via Grand Haven or some other east shore port. Col. Boone is general manager of the Black Diamond system. His project is to extend the line from Toledo to Grand Haven and thence across the lake by boats. Let the Common Council take action on this matter and send their president or some other member who fully understands the question to headquarters to show Grand Haven’s advantages as having the deepest harbor without exception on Lake Michigan.
James Martin, a drunk and disorderly, was sentenced to 10 days in jail by Justice Pagelson this morning.
Was the Masquerade Given by the
Young Men’sSocial Club Last Evening.
The members of the Y. M. S. C. are to be congratulated on the eminent success
of their masquerade last evening. An unusually large number were en masque and
the scene presented was a brilliant one. Without the presence of any strikingly
beautiful or original costumes it may, in all truth, be said that they were all
tasty, with just enough of the grotesque to lend that air of fun which is
indispensable to a masquerade. Distinction should be hard to make but we think
the palm must be awarded to Miss Josie Finch, who was very tastily and
becomingly arrayed in a Martha Washington dress.
The credit of having the most original costume belongs to Mr. Geo. Lilley who appeared as Mrs. Biddy O. Mallihan, a complete disguise and excellent make up, accompanied by Mr. Geo. Kennedy as “Moiky” her son, a “broth of a boy” who looked after the interests of his mother with a watchful eye, and very promptly resented any attempt on the part of the young gallant to make love to his mother.
Among the character costumes were Miss Collins as “Columbia,” Miss Christmas as “Sunflower,” Miss Hudson as “Topay” and Miss Scofield as “Shepardess.”
The music was furnished by our newly organized “Acme” Orchestra, under the management of Mr. Radeke. It is now established beyond question that we do not need to go out of Grand Haven to get a good orchestra as the music last night was of a very high order. The orchestra has only rehearsed a few times in concert, yet the music was well rendered, tuneful, the time excellent and generally “danceable” all around. Mr. Herrick is as good a caller off as we have had here for some time, bar none, and altogether the “Acme” deserves what we heartily bespeak for them and as heartily hope they will receive, the patronage of the public.
Supper was served by the W. R. C. and the party all around was an entire success. Long life to the Y. M. S. C. and everybody connected therewith.
Major Ludlow of the Corps of Engineers has a man taking photographs of the principle harbors on the east shore where there is winter navigation. They are designed for the engineer department.
Capt. Connelly, well known in this city, has resigned command of the City of Fremont and has been appointed to the command of the steamer now building at Sheboygan for Conrad Starkes.
At a late meeting of Co. F, Chas M. Gill was elected director in place of Wm. F. Kelley resigned.
The Board of Supervisors met this forenoon. The bridge question has been referred to the committee but no report has been made.
The steam heaters in the Central School still fail to work properly, one of the rooms being dismissed this morning on account of the cold.
Justice Chas. T. Pagelson conducted services in St. John’s Lutheran church for the past few Sundays, in place of Rev. Bruaggerman who has been sick.
Claus Dykhuis contemplates purchasing the Ferrysburg mill with the view of embarking in the lumber business.
Rev. DeBruyn has officiated at one or more funerals every week since he has been pastor of the First Reformed church.
The Grand Rapids press was badly misinformed when it stated in its yesterday’s edition that “Several tugs and steamers are ice-bound near Grand Haven.”
A few years ago white fish were caught in more numerous numbers than any other fish on the great lakes. Now the catch becomes smaller and smaller each year and the question is what becomes of them.
The Craig shipbuilding company of Toledo has sent a “blue print” of the new river steamer to Secretary Van Asmus. The boat will be 140 feet long, 28 ft. and 5 inches broad. It will have two engines with 12x60-inch cylinders supplied by steam at a pressure of 17 pounds from two boilers. Work is reported to be progressing nicely on its construction, and it is expected to be finished and delivered on Grand river ready for spring navigation. The craft will be called the “Valley City” and will be supplied with sufficient power to make the round trip daily from Grand Rapids to Grand Haven.―Grand Rapids Herald.
Johannes VanDyke, an old resident of this city, died at his home in the 4th ward at three o’clock Saturday afternoon. For the past six months he has been very sick with a gathering and bone trouble in his head. He has been afflicted with this problem for 42 years, beginning while living in the Netherlands.
Mr. VanDyke was born in Province Groningen, Netherlands, April 5th, 1829, being at the time of his death nearly 68 years of age. He had been a resident of this city and county for 39 years, and leaves a wife and nine children, all of whom live here except his daughter Mrs. Bert Kraai, and son Jacob who live in the southern part of the county.
The funeral took place this afternoon at half past two o’clock from the First Reformed church.
Jennie Vander Meiden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vander Meiden died Sunday morning at the home of her parents after an illness of about five months with consumption.
Miss Vander Meiden was born in this city and was slightly over 22 years of age. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock from the First Reformed church.
The Aurora Borealis.
Since 1872 no finer display of aurora borealis or northern lights has been observed than that of Saturday evening. Beginning with the setting of the sun the whole northern horizon to the very zenith was rosy red. It lasted for nearly an hour and then died away with the raising of the moon. The scene was indeed a pretty one, and many people stood on the street corner to witness it. Dispatches from all over the country, state that electric and telegraph wires were affected during the display.
The valentine business was unusually dull all over the country this year.
Mr. G. Ensing has opened a barber shop, and third warders can now be free of their hirante appendages.
Dan Long, better known as “Sandy” first mate of the Roanoke, was taken quite seriously ill yesterday. Robert McKay occupies his place.
Prof. R. W. Collins will teach dancing at his residence on Franklin street every Wednesday evening for 25cts a couple.
Mrs. W. C. Sheldon entertained 60 of her friends at a dinner party at the Cutler today.
The Board of Supervisors now in special session have revoked the charter of the Grand River Bridge Co. and granted the right to Robert Convey provided a bridge is built within 90 days.
Two citizens said to us this noon that they would be a party of ten to make up a fund of $100.00 to invite the railroad officials of the Black Diamond to come here and look over our harbor. Who will be the other eight?
Miss Birdie L. Wren is at home sick with an attack of la grippe, and Miss Idah Balbirnie has gone to Grand Haven to take charge of the writing in the public school during her illness. Miss Nellie Kamhout who has been visiting in Grand Haven and Holland for the past three weeks has returned home.―Muskegon News.
German Workingmen’s Society.
The German workingmen’s Society met last night and elected officers for the ensuing year as follows:
President―Henry Bloecker.
Vice-President―August Hoertel.
Recording Sec’y―Julius Seeman.
Cor. Sec’y―August Kraatz.
Cashier―Chas. Hass.
Treasurer―John Brandstettler.
Sick Director―M. Troegor.
Trustees―Wm. Thieleman, Henry Saul, Adolf Ziemer.
Color Bearers―Emil Kaatz and M. Modrak.
The society was organized nearly twenty years ago, Dec. 21st, 1872, with the following charter members: Henry Bloecker, Julius Radeke, Frank Hidde, Wm. Fritz, Frank Kaatz, Herman Luhm, Herman Glazet, Albert Otto, Fred Kramer, Chas. Podin, Chas. T. Pagelson, Henry Saul and Henry Ahrens.
Co-incident with Mr. Bloecker’s election as president, last evening, was the fact that he was the first president, being elected at the organization of the society and has always been an active worker in its interest.
The society continues to grow in prosperity and number every year, as evidenced by the fact that over $600 was expended in the past three months for the sick members.
Chairman Non-Committal.
Washington. Feb. 15.―In reply to an inquiry, Chairman Springer of the ways and means committee has written Capt. Belknap a letter, in which he makes the stereotyped statement that the Grand Haven bill was one of a large class of measures which could hardly get through the present house owing to the strong tendency toward retrenchment in expenditures. Mr. Springer did not express any hostility toward the measure, nor did he give any guarantee as to its defeat Representative Belknap has received a number of communications with regard to the Grand Haven bill, among others one form ex-Postmaster George D. Sanford, in which declaration is made that the people of Grand Haven, without regard to political affiliations, are very anxious that a public building be secured. Mr. Belknap states that Mr. Sanford encourages him to believe that nearly everybody in his district is ready to help in getting the bill through.
Congressman Belknap has recommended the establishment of a post office at Farrowe, Ottawa Co.
James Cassidy. A bum claiming to hail from Bay City, was before Judge Pagelson this morning for disorderly conduct, and was given ten days in jail.
Windows were broken in Mrs. Kennedy’s millinery store and Mrs. Gerow’s candy store, by Jack the window smasher last night. Also a large plate glass window in the White Laundry.
The singing school of the Second Christian Reformed church had singing at the church last night in honor of their first anniversary. The church was crowded and all expressed themselves as much pleased with the progress made by the class. Besides singing there were dialogues and recitations all of which were well rendered.
Grand Haven papers announce that the ladies of the Presbyterian church are to give four 15 cent suppers, on evenings two weeks apart. At the price named it is pretty clear to the average patron of church suppers that either the fare furnished will be mighty poor, or the net profits will be distressingly small.—Muskegon Chronicle.
This might be the case with Muskegon churches where the harbor is frozen up six months in the year and provisions run short in consequence, but here where our boats are bringing in from 1100 to 1200 tons of bacon, beans, etc., every day, the ladies of the Presbyterian church are able to give a first class meal, and don’t you forget it.
Essel VandenBerg met with a painful accident last evening. He with a number of other young men were practicing lifting heavy weights, when one fell on his foot making a bad bruise, and which will probably confine him to the house for some time.
Important Arrest.
An inebriated young man was taken in tow by C. Andrews and lodged in Jail last night. He was amusing himself by smashing windows. He asked for the First National Bank but Mr. Andrews took him to the Bank de Vaupell where he was “deposited” with Mr. Vaupell. He is thought to be the noted “Jack the Smasher” of Kansas City. The reason for his wanting the Bank can only be surmised but it may be that the prevailing “tightness” in the money market had something to do with his condition as he was unquestionably very “tight”.
Grand Haven and Grand River.
Washington, Feb. 17.—Representative Belknap and ex-Senator Ferry were given an hour’s hearing yesterday before the committee on rivers and harbors in the interest of Grand river and Grand Haven improvements. Mr. Belknap urged the committee to stretch its rules as far as possible to include appropriations for both improvements, which he declared were as meritorious as any before Congress. Mr. Belknap feels certain that $32,000 or $40,000 will be allowed for the improvement of Grand Haven.
The committee discouraged the appropriation for the Grand river for two reasons: First, because it is regarded as a new project; and, second, because the engineer’s reports have not been received. Mr. Belknap will, therefore, have to rely on securing an amendment in the senate which will probably be permitted to remain on the hill when it goes to conference. Ex-Senator Ferry talked for half an hour, urging a generous appropriation for Grand Haven, and was much gratified at the attitude of the committee.
Discovers a Foe.
The Detroit Tribune yesterday published the following under the heading, “Belknap Discovers a Foe.”
Washington, Special Telegram Feb. 15.—“For six weeks I have known” says Congressman Belknap, “that there was an adverse influence of political nature working against me here, and that it came from my district. I learned two weeks ago that Dud Watson of Coopersville, the ex-collector, had written Hon. Wm. M. Springer, the leader of the house, that every influence ought to be used to prevent me from receiving any important committee assignments and that I should be balked in securing any appropriations of any kind; that it was absolutely necessary to prevent me from securing any appropriation for a public building at Grand Haven, as such an appropriation would strengthen me politically and insure my re-nomination and re-election; and that to prevent this result I should receive no favors whatever form Congress during this term.”
“Did Mr. Springer reply to the Watson letter?”
“He did, as he replies to all letters received by him. He informed Dud Watson that he did not think appropriations would be made for Grand Haven’s public building, as this Congress was to be one of retrenchment and reform so far as the house was concerned, and that no new project would be favorably reported or passed, but that cities which presented sites to the government might stand some chance of some appropriation. Mr. Springer’s letter was considerate and conservative, such as a democrat leader would write to a democrat.”
“When did you learn of these facts?”
“I found out about it about two weeks ago, and on my own responsibility went before the committee on public buildings and grounds and pledged that Grand Haven would present a site to the government, a pledge which the citizens backed me up in by wire the next day. I kept the whole letter strictly to myself, expecting that time would disclose everything. To-day Mr. Springer admitted to a friend that he had received Dud Watson’s letter, and that his reply was as I have stated, therefore I know feel at liberty to talk about the matter. I want my people to know that Dud Watson, who lives at Coopersville, and claims Grand Haven as his business home, has done this nefarious political work against Grand Haven. If I do not secure an appropriation for the Grand Haven public building, it will be because of his dirty work done under cover and which it was believed that I would never discover. Dud Watson upheld the hands of my predecessor, Mr. Ford, and did everything in his power to aid him in securing a public building for Grand Haven, but now to gain a political point, he has done all in his power to injure the prospects of that important measure. I can stand it if the democratic party in Grand Haven can. I have made personal friends of every member of the committee of public building and grounds, have made arguments before them all and shall continue to do my best. If failure results I want Dud Watson to have all the glory from his efforts.”
A large number of the younger element of the city enjoyed coasting on Second St. hill until a very late hour last night.
The young man who while on a bum broke several windows around town Tuesday night was before Justice Pagelson this afternoon. In default of $300 bail he was recommended to jail to await the next term of circuit court.
Mr. Robert Harper’s stereopticon lecture at the congregational church last evening was one well worth hearing and seeing. The subject was “A Trip to Europe.” Scenes on the passage over and of the most interesting places rural and metropolitan England were vividly described and portrayed from the stereopticon vies.
NO. 1.
With this we commence the publication of extracts from the more important news of the Grand River Times, Vol. 1 No. 1 July 2, 1851.
The files have been kindly loaned to us by the Hon. R. W. Duncan and we will endeavor to publish week by week the items of importance from Grand Haven’s first newspaper, thinking it might be of interest to our older readers and of curiosity to the more recent residents of this city and county. John W. Barns and Wm. Angel II were the publishers at that time.
The salutatory we publish partially.
We present you with the first number of the Grand River Times and accompanying it will be expected what we acknowledge to be your due, viz: setting forth of the reasons which operated upon our minds as inducement to engage in this enterprise the principal of which shall guide us in conducting our paper, etc. The question “will it pay” has been frequently asked by those with whom we have conversed upon our new undertaking—indeed a majority of the cities of Ottawa will find this to be an inquiry that first arises in the mind upon learning that a paper is to be established in Grand Haven—that we will give our opinions of the probable chances of success pecuniarily. * * * *
Henry Pennoyer, Esqr., will take charge of our editorial columns on his return form Detroit, where he is absent for a few weeks, as a juror in the U. S. District Court, now in session. Mr. Pennoyer is well known throughout the country as an active Democrat, and from the many important stations of public trust which have been for several years past successfully committed to his keeping will be considered as eminently qualified for this station.
[Coincidentally, a hypothetical re-publication of the early Grand River Times was done previously in this Evening Tribune article compilation and can be found in the July, 1891 issue. However, article selection for the two presentations do differ. A complete collection of the Grand River Times can be found on microfilm at the Loutit Library.]
Public Exercises.
The public schools in most of the departments will have exercises tomorrow in celebration of Washington’s birthday, some references also to the fourth centennial of the discovery of America by Columbus. The latter subject will probably receive a fuller study during the early part of the next school year.
The public is invited to visit the schools and enjoy the exercises with pupils.
We shall be glad to receive contributions in any amount, which any citizen may wish to add to the school funds for providing Michigan’s school exhibit at the World’s Fair.
It is too late for us to stop to criticize methods of securing these funds.
If our school system has a proper display the money to meet the expense must be forthcoming. The legislature has not provided sufficiently and the scholars are appealed to.
While there may be objection nothing unreasonable is asked, and the method taken is such as to arouse a spirit of interest on the part of the young in an approaching great event.
E. L. BRIGGS, Supt.
The old residents of the Grand River Valley met at Grand Rapids yesterday.
Grand Haven’s public school is one of the few in the state to be privileged a personal exhibition at the Columbia exposition in 1893.
Bertha Goetter was before Judge Haggerty in Grand Rapids for truancy yesterday. She is one of the well known Goetter family that resided here a few years ago.
According to the professor of astronomy at the Ann Arbor University, an aurora rivaling the one of Saturday took place last night, but could be seen only partially on account of clouds.
Our citizens should wake up to the importance of another railroad into this city. A little more enthusiasm to new projects is all that is necessary. Citizens of Grand Haven will you take hold?
Grand Haven has a Jack the Window Smasher, who experiences a fiendish joy in breaking the plate glass window in front of the business houses whenever the night watchman’s back is turned.—Grand Rapids Democrat.
John E. Behm of Grand Haven township is recovering from a serious attack of La Grippe.
The Emma Bloecker, Capt. VanderVeere went out today and set two gangs of net—nearly two miles.
No smoking or card playing will be allowed in Muskegon jail after a certain date. It is thought that this will make jail life so monotonous that the habitual jail birds will be glad to be outside the bars.
Essel VandenBerg, a stalwart Grand Haven young man, lifted a heavy weight higher than did any of his companions, and then crowned the achievement by dropping the weight on his foot. He will be crippled for several weeks.—Grand Rapids Democrat.
J. W. Boynton and H. N. Averill are in the city in the interest of the projected railroad between this city and Grand Rapids. This is an enterprise that could be made (with a little more encouragement and enthusiasm on the part of our citizens) an assured fact.
About twenty young ladies and gentlemen friends of Tommy Dais congregated at Miss Josie Finch’s last evening and from there repaired to his home on Washington St. To say that Tommy was surprised, would be putting it mildly, but he soon recovered his composure and a pleasant time was has until a late hour in playing, singing, social games, etc.
State Phomological Committee met at the Morton House, Grand Rapids, on the 10th inst. The committee of whole appointed an executive committee of three consisting of ex-Senator Monroe of South Haven, Mr. Scott of Ann Arbor and W. Phillips of Grand Haven, with full power to execute the entire management of the pomological display to be made at Chicago in 1893. Also, six committees were appointed to represent pomology in all the departments in the State.
The social given by the ladies of the Presbyterian church last evening was a grand success financially and otherwise, over $18 being cleared.
Many of the rooms in the public school held exercises today, mostly relative to Washington and the Columbia Exposition. This was the day set apart by the Supt. of Public Instruction to hold exercises and each scholar was requested to bring one cent to be used in a grand exhibit of state schools at the World’s Fair.
One of the lumbermen employed by James Kennedy at the saw mill near Sullivan, Muskegon Co., was in the city today and reports wood finding a ready market this winter. Most of the wood up that way is shipped by the carload to Grand Rapids, very little from that section going to Muskegon.
The Osceola running on the Lackawanna line between Kewaunee and Frankfort has endeavored to make regular trips this season, but generally lies ice bound or wind bound in each harbor about a week. What a marked contrast to Grand Haven harbor where no serious difficulty has been observed this winter, and vessels carrying from 100 to 1200 tons arrive every day. Our’s is the only safe winter port on the eastern shore, but still vessel owners persist in endangering their cargo and sailor’s lives by running elsewhere.
The case of the window smasher came up before Judge Pagelson yesterday afternoon. The defendant who gave his name as James Davis was a short, slender young man, not looking capable of going on more than an ordinary “toot.” He claimed to hail from Chicago, but that he came here from Detroit. The evidence was all against him and he was remanded to jail to await the next session of circuit court in default of $300 bail. The case was not without its amusing features, in that several well known young men (who acted as witnesses) who were suppose not to know, did know the difference between a whiskey flask and an ordinary bottle.
During the coldest days of this winter an old lady north of Nunica we are told and over eighty years of age has been drawing wood through our streets [Spring Lake] to Grand Haven all alone making the trip and back again the same day a distance of about twenty miles.
The next issue of the TRIBUNE will be on Tuesday, Monday being Washington’s birthday.
E. Takken, formerly a resident of this city has opened a black smith shop in Holland.
The steamers Roanoke and Wisconsin were both in to-day, the Roanoke having been delayed over time by a scarcity of oars.
Capt. Ed Napier son of the ill-fated captain Napier of the steamer Alpena is having a steamer built at South Haven.
There is one institution of learning in this city where tuition is not only free but the students are furnished with supper, and that is at Prof. C. Neitering’s night school.
Second St. hill was filled with coasters until a late hour last night. Strange to relate no serious coasting accident has occurred there this winter, except an occasional knock down.
Frank Siddal, the soap manufacturer, was once asked why he did newspaper advertising altogether, and not follow in the footsteps of other manufacturers, putting up sign boards, etc. He replied that in his experience he found that the man that does not read the newspaper never uses soap.
Tired of Married Life.
A couple of married women of this city became tired of married life and left for Chicago yesterday afternoon, their husbands being unaware of their movements. The husband of one of the aforesaid ladies started in hot pursuit and caught the couple at Holland, where they were preparing to take the train to the World’s Fair city. His own wife consented to return home after some persuasion but the other kept her determination of remaining away from the old man (her husband.}
What Dud Watson Says
D. O. Watson was interviewed by a reporter of the Grand Rapids Democrat Thursday and said, “the thing we are all most interested in, is the proposed government building in Grand Haven. Every right-minded man in the country wants it and is willing to work for it. The building is very much needed. You know there is a bill pending in the house of representatives for an appropriation for that purpose. It has been reported that Congressman Belknap says I am opposing the bill. Now I wish to say to you that any report circulating by the congressman or any one else, to the effect that I have written a letter to anyone against the passage of this is absolutely false. I have, for the last six years, done my best to secure passage of this measure. I have written numerous letters relative to it and in every one have stated that the bill had merit and ought, by all means, to receive favorable consideration. I frankly confess I was, and still am, in favor of some Democratic being sent to Washington in the interests of this bill, for two reasons:
“First, because a Democrat’s wishes before a Democratic committee would have more influence than that of any Republican. All who wish to see the bill pass will readily see the force of this claim, to others who had rather see the bill defeated than have it passed by Democratic influence I simply say that is mean partisanship.
“Second, I am of the opinion that the Democrats should have all the odium attached to any pernicious legislation of the present house as I also believe they should be entitled to the credit of passing measures beneficial to localities or to the nation at large.
“If the congressman’s peculiar style of doing things has failed to carry this measure he has no one to blame but himself—he cannot shift the responsibility on the shoulders of others. I would ask the congressman one question: Why, during the last Congress, when his own party held high carnival in all branches of government, did he fail to pass this bill? He failed. To whom does he charge this failure? He will undoubtedly remember that the last Congress passed similar bills for Congressmen Brewer and Burrows, but pigeon-holed the bills of Cutcheon and Belknap. The reason for this action is apparent to any close observer of political matters. Brewer and Burrows came very near defeat while Cutcheon and Belknap had large majorities behind them. The bills were passed simply to aid in the re-election of Brewer and Burrows, while the other two measures, with infinitely more merit, were defeated. Was there not some politics mixed with this?
“While we are talking about this subject it may not be out of place to give a little history relative to this same measure. Congressman Ford originally introduced it and got a favorable report from the house committee on public buildings and grounds. Mr. Ford claimed to me on several occasions that the bill would have passed had it not been the opposition of the senior senator of the state, who said that to pass this measure would popularize Ford and return him to Congress indefinitely. Mr. Ford in a public speech made at a ratification meeting after his re-election, openly charged the senator with this and scored him severely for his actions in so doing.”
Muskegon has an almighty poor harbor but mighty good business men.
A. Van Toll has resigned as head clerk in Ball & Co.’s store, and will be one of a new firm to embark in business at Van Lopik’s old stand in a few days.
Bert Bolt of the Bee Hive is in the toils of La Grippe, consequently his happy countenance is not seen in that popular grocery these days. “Sharp the Hustler” is occupying his place.
There is on exhibition in a Muskegon window an old style gun, all the worse for wear. It was found in the Muskegon river at Mecosta county three years ago, and is one of a pattern in use a hundred years ago.
Wm. Kennedy and James Brown, two vags, were picked up by Marshal Verhoef and brought before Justice Pagelson this morning. They claimed to be on their way from Detroit to Chicago but will have to postpone their travels until their sentence of ten days in the county jail is spent.
Peter Ball and John Kooiman, champion hunters of Ottawa county will fall before public favor if they give any more performances similar to that of yesterday. After an all day hunt one rabbit and a variety of excuses were the bulk of what they brought in.
The public did not rise to a proper spirit with regard to the celebration of Washington’s birthday yesterday. Outside of the Norris and the Cutler House only two places of business or residences were decorated. We evidently do not appreciate to its fullest extent the meaning of this day.
The general manger of the D. G. H. & M. R’y, has made the following appointments: Steamer City of Milwaukee—Capt. F. Smallman, Engineer C. L. Barron. Propeller Wisconsin, Capt. Thos. Honner, Engineer A. Currie. S. H. Boyce, Grand Haven, Mich., has appointed the following officers to his tonnage: Steamer Mary E. Boyce, Capt. W. F. McGregor, Engineer Michael Maher; Ionia—Capt. VanPatten, Engineer John Farnham; Charles Street—Capt. Thomas McCambridge, Engineer H. O’Hara. Schooners M. A. McGregor—Capt. D. F. Miller; R. Howlett—Wm. Tremper. —Marine Record.
Passed Away.
Mrs. John VerKuyl died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. VanBemelin on Washington Ave. at two o’clock this morning, at the age of 29 years, 2 months and 8 days.
Mrs. VerKuyl was born in this city and had lived here all her life. She was married Jan. 2, 1889 to Mrs. John VerKuyl, steward of the Cutler House for many years. Two children were born to them, one dying in infancy and the other born the 14th of this month. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at two o’clock from the First Reformed church.
The Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Railroad is about to build a large ferry steamer to test the feasibility of carrying trains of cars across lake Michigan from Keewaunee to Frankfort. The new steamer will cost a quarter of a million dollars, and will be large enough to carry forty-eight cars, and she is fast enough to make the run across the lake between the points named in about fie hours. The distance is sixty miles. The ferrying of cars in this manner will result in a great saving, as it costs from $6 to $12 a car to make the transfer of freight from the cars to the steamers; and besides, the loss through breakage incident to such transfers will be prevented. It is thought the experiment will prove successful, as freight trains have been thus transferred for years between Cape Charles city and Newport News, a distance of forty miles across the mouth of Chesapeake Bay, where the water is sometimes very turbulent. This leads the Evening Wisconsin to say in an editorial “if the proposed ferry system should be successful, it will, without doubt, eventually be put on between Milwaukee and Ludington, Grand Haven and St. Joseph.
G. L. Daily & Co. have moved their candy kitchen and confectionary to Sanford’s building next to the Post office block.
Traffic managers predict a good summer business and a bright outlook for lake vessels next season.
Many very noticeable improvements have been made in the store of John Cook, Cor. Washington and Seventh sts., within the past few days.
Jacob Henry, one year-old son of Capt. And Mrs. Peter Jansen died at four o’clock yesterday afternoon. The funeral will take place Thursday at two p.m. from their residence on Washington St. Services conducted by Rev. J. J. VanZanten of the 2nd Reformed church.
Alexander Hamilton fell down the stairs in the Postoffice block last night, accounting for the limp in his walk today.
Died yesterday afternoon, of brain fever, John Wm., the two year and five months old son of Capt. Robertson. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 p. m. at the residence, conducted by Rev. Sammis.
With the opening of navigation 5,000 bottles now being manufactured by the government will be placed in a Cleveland depot in charge of Dr. Penrod. He will distribute them to vessel masters who will use them for depositing certain blanks which they will fill out giving details as to the depth of water, currents, etc. For the convenience of masters each will be furnished with a chart in which the lakes are divided into numbered squares, and at stated intervals each master will fill out a blank with information as to the direction of the wind set of the currents, the position of the boat, etc., and sealing of the paper up in one of the bottles, throw it overboard. Any master sighting one of these bottles in the water, will pick it up, opening it, fill another part of the blank with a statement as to where it was found and under what conditions, and then forwarding the papers to Dr. Penrod. It is thought that the information thus obtained will give valuable assistance in the efforts to gain an insight into the physical geography of the great lakes.—Evening Wisconsin.
The New River Boat.
S. M. Mitchell, the gentleman who was principally instrumental in securing a company to build a boat to ply upon the river, has, recently returned from Toledo, where the boat is being built, and was seen in Sweet’s yesterday afternoon. “The framework of the boat is entirely completed,” said he, “and every alternate plate is in place. At least such was the condition of affairs when I left Toledo the day before yesterday. The boat is being built of the finest plate steel I ever saw. Every plate is manufactured in Pittsburg, and is especially for light draught boats. The company that is making these plates has built thirty-six boats for South American rivers.
“The boat will be one hundred and forty feet long, twenty-eight feet wide, which is equivalent to twenty nine feet, and have a molded depth of hold of five feet. The Craig Company, the builders of the boat, guarantee that the craft will not draw more than fourteen inches of water when light, and feel certain that she will not draw more than twelve inches. They guarantee us a speed of twelve miles an hour, which will insure the trip to Grand Haven in less than four hours, which will be eminently satisfactory.
“When will we be ready to commence running? Well, that is pretty hard to say just now. Work is being pushed as rapidly as possible on the boat and we expect to have her here in time to commence running as soon as the Goodrich line of steamers commence. We already have a contract with the Goodrich Company for carrying freight and passengers. We are paying about $3,000 extra to have that boat here early. Of course we could launch her in Toledo and bring her here by water, but no person would care to risk such a trip with such a boat before the latter part of June, or on the first of July. The extra cost comes in taking the boat apart shipping her here by rail and then putting her together again. You can see that we are pretty anxious to get her going when we go to such an extra expense.
“Yes, I will command the boat. I have sailed on the lakes since 1856, but have never navigated a boat on the Grand River. I do not anticipate any great difficulty on that score, however, I think it will prove a very successful venture and I do not think it will be very long before there will be a fleet of similar boats plying on the river.”
The fish tug Meister set two gangs of nets today.
A freight hand who was working in the freight house for many years informs us that he never knew the time when winter boats made trips as regularly as this winter.
John M. Cook will have a brand new delivery wagon on the road within a few days, which will no doubt attract considerable attention by its original design. It came from Indianapolis.
Sheriff Vaupell went to Holland yesterday and brought back last night a man arrested on the charge of adultery. He was brought here for safe keeping to await his hearing before Judge Post of Holland next Wednesday. During the walk from the depot to the jail he delighted the crowd who followed him by singing religious and halleluiah songs. The fellow it is said is imbued with the belief that he is Christ and is running a sort of heaven down there after the Schwainfurth method.
A flock of geese flying north were observed going over the city this afternoon. Rather early for that true harbinger of spring.
Two stout, able-bodied men claiming to hail from Grand Haven walked into police headquarters late last night and asked for quarters, which were promptly given them. When asked why they were “on the tramp,” with one accord, as though long practiced, they gave forth this refrain: “Can’t get no work.”—Muskegon News.
A prominent Hollander said to us the other day, “I must honestly confess that before leaving the Netherlands (and I lived there many years) I never saw a negro or Chinaman. You can imagine my astonishment when arriving at Castle Garden to see several negroes walking about, followed by a yellow-skinned Mongolian.” There is nothing strange in this as every arrival from the Netherlands says.
From the Grand River Times
NO. 2-3
July 16, 1851
We this week commence our duties in the new and yet untried vocation assigned us, as editor of a public journal, fully and deeply impressed with the idea that our mental caliber has been overrated by those who have imposed the task upon us; yet with this load of diffidence upon us, we promise to devote all the time we can spare, in making the Grand River Times fulfill the expectations of the public.
[Coincidentally, a hypothetical re-publication of the early Grand River Times was done previously in this Evening Tribune article compilation and can be found in the July, 1891 issue. However, article selection for the two presentations do differ. A complete collection of the Grand River Times can be found on microfilm at the Loutit Library.]
The Chicago & West Michigan passenger train due here at 6:15 was over an hour late yesterday morning. The train derailed on the Michigan Central tracks eighteen miles out of Chicago. The night was foggy and the engineer got mixed on the signal lights. The derailing switch did its work well only the locomotive being damaged. No one was injured.
The State Superintendents of the Poor met in their 18th annual convention at Grand Rapids yesterday. Wm. N. Angel of this city read a paper on “The Tramp, What Shall We Do With Him?” We publish his conclusion as to what be best done with them:
“Permit me to make one or two suggestions. We all understand that this vagabond army must be taken care of in some way by the public authorities. Safety to life and property from fires, larceny, robbing, and even murder, demand attention to their immediate necessities. The responsibility cannot be shirked or evaded. Entertainment which will be less expensive to the public and most uncomfortable to the tramp might be considered a prudent course in the discharge of a public duty.
To compare both of these ends cheap barracks might be provided at all centers of railway traffic and in all considerable towns, moderately warmed, supplied with beds of the hardest hemlock boards and with meals as primitive as the breezy, exuberant and hospitable Col. Mulberry Sellers set before his friend Washington Hawkins to wit: Raw turnips and water. If any change from this diet were made it should be bread and water—nothing more.
In short, the dispensers of public charity should study to render the existence of the chronic tramp as miserably uneventful as it can be made, consistent with the preservation of his normal health.
Judge Howell is in the city hearing testimony in the water works case.
A valuable cow belonging to Fred Green died last night.
Barney Zwaagman embarked in the egg business this morning and sold 37 dozen in less than an hour. Pretty good for a start off.
The jail inmates have an elder in their midst and are treated at all hours of the day to prayer, hymns, etc.
Chas. M. Gill, of Grand Haven, is a valiant soldier, and for meritorious conduct on the field of battle (battle of kisses we presume} has been promoted to the office of Director of Co. F.—Pentwater News
Jacob Baar today sold prepaid “Netherland – American Steam Navigation Company Line” tickets for Melgert de Winter and family of Rijscort, Proymce Zuid Holland, Netherland. They will settle in Crockery township this county.
The citizens on the south side of Grand river should do all in their power to promote the new railroad between Grand Rapids and Grand Haven. It will open up a splendid country. Give the right of way and otherwise encourage this enterprise. Jerry Boynton at the head of it insures its success as everybody says he is a hustler in railroad building.—Suburban Herald.
While Tony Baker was driving along Washington street this morning, the horse which he was driving slipped and fell near the post office, the fall being caused by a hole in the middle of the road. Tony was thrown but was not injured. The horse which belongs to Jacob Baker was at first thought to be badly hurt, but after a time regained its footing and was hitched up, none the worse for the tumble.
Workmen are repairing the damaged parts of the D. G. H. & M. docks.
The tugs Emma Bloecker and C. A. Auger passed through the Ferrysburg bridge yesterday, the first to pass through this year.
Testimony has been taken in the water works case in Geo. A. Farr’s office, for the past few days. Additional testimony will be heard next Friday.
The fishing tug Bloecker set two gangs of nets last week resulting in 750 pounds of fish mostly trout. Last fall at the close of the season the trout catch was very poor but now it constitutes nearly the entire bulk.
Freight cars are becoming scarce again over the D. G. H. & M. road. The freight house and even the dock are filled with freight and no cars to store it in. The scarcity of cars keeps many freight hands from work as only part of the regular force is employed.
Edwin Trowbridge, the Holland township man who is in jail on the charge of adultery, is known in that section of the county as “Prophet” Trowbridge. For years he has been preaching Adventism, millen, nearism, polygamy, etc. He also published a tract some years ago entitled “The Midnight Cry, or a Screech in the Wilderness.” He is a painter by trade but also keeps a printing outfit at home from which he occasionally issues religious tracts. His present wife, the complaining witness, was married to him fourteen years ago and was then but thirteen years old.
The annual rage of marble playing is now on among the small boys.
The steamer City of Fremont was stuck in the mud at Benton Harbor for over thirteen hours one day last week
Col. Frank White is here from Salt Lake City on a short visit. The friends of E. P. Ferry will be pleased to learn that he is very much improved, and will go to Honolulu for a prolonged vacation.—Montague Cor. In Muskegon Chronicle.
J. P. Mastenbrook, who with his family has been spending a few weeks with his parents at Eastmanville, was ordered by telephone on Wednesday to return to Grand Haven and resume his position as engineer on the fishing tug Chas. H. Auger, the fishing season on Lake Michigan having already commenced.
The Concert last night was the success which the cause in which it was given and the pains taken to present it, deserves. “Mr. Potts” opened the ball with a few humorous remarks in his unusual happy vein. The recitation of Miss Madden, and tenor solo of Dr. Rysdorp were omitted on account of their absence. The selections of the quartette so well known to Grand Haven audiences were admirable and received as they always are with abundant and appreciative applause. Capt. Lyman in character gave “The Irishman’s Panorama” and made a hit. Taken all in all the entertainment was fair though showing to a certain extent the lack of managerial ability in its supervision. Mr. Briggs’ recitation “Lucknow” was, needless to say, excellent both as to style and matter. The “Pie Soloist” was unique and funny. Good house.
There are five Monday’s in February this year, for the first time in nearly 300 years.
Members of the Life Saving crew will hereafter get $65 per month and captains of the station $600 per year.
The prevailing east winds of the last few days it is thought have knocked out nearly all ice fields of lower Lake Michigan.
The Grand River Railroad Co., Grand Rapids, have filed articles of incorporation with Secretary of State, with $500,000 capital.
The muddiest street crossing in town is the one across from Beaudry & Co., and is getting to be avoided by all pedestrians.
Geo. D. Sanford Jr., who celebrates his third birthday today; carries a handsome gold watch and chain a present from his parents.
Mr. C. T. Pagelson has sold a prepaid ticket in favor of Mrs. W. Groth from Hamburg to Grand Haven by the Hamburg American Packet Line.
The steamer Philetus Sawyer which was engaged in carrying stones to the pier last summer is receiving a complete overhauling at Fort Howard.
Robt. Fitzsimmons and Peter Maher fight to a finish at New Orleans Wednesday night. Several local sports who claim to be on the inside, are looking for bets on Fitzsimmons.
There is every evidence that Grand Haven is on the verge of an early spring boom. The first flock of wild geese that have been headed for the north this season were seen flying over that town.—Grand Rapids Democrat.
Quotation Tea.
Mrs. Geo. E. Angel entertained a few friends Saturday evening at a “quotation tea.” Each guest was given a card on which was a quotation, some familiar, some not so familiar. Everyone who failed to guess the author of his or her quotation was required to contribute, for the entertainment of the rest, a speech, song or story. The idea is a good one for parties combining the features of pleasure with education. The evening was spent, after the forensic exercises, in playing pedro. The prize for the highest number of points were awarded to Mrs. N. Robbins, Jr., for the ladies and Mr. Chas. E. Lilley, for the men. The only regrettable incident was the unavoidable absence of Mr. Angel, who was unfortunately detained by business and did not arrive until 11:13.
Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Joe O’Brian.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Koster.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Lilley.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Robbins.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Gill.
Miss Chappel.
Miss Jennie Smith.
Mr. Donaldson.
Mr. Alex Hamilton.
Apostle Trowbridge.
The “Apostle” at the jail is exciting a good deal of interest just now. He is very Boanerges, his stentorian tones as he waxes warm in defense of his faith being audible for blocks. His supreme disregard of the laws of man as against those of the “Judge of Heaven” as the ruler of all things is to be called under the dispensation which he foretells and foresees, is amusing, to say the least. We were permitted by the kindness of Sheriff Vaupell to talk with him yesterday.
His scheme of faith is something on this order: He claims that as there were three invitations to fill the house for the marriage feast so will there be three “bids” to the Kingdom of Heaven. Two invitations have been issued already, according to his theory, corresponding to the Jewish church and the Christian church, while his church represents the third and final invitation. The scheme of marriage is Polygamous and “thereby hangs a tale.” That’s the reason why he’s in jail. He favored his audience with a hymn of the order.
He has some very ingenious arguments to bear out his theories, but his talk shows by its incoherency, an unsound reasoning faculty, if not actual insanity. He will have his examination at Holland Wednesday. He expressed no resentment against Sheriff Vaupell as he said he was only the agent of the unregenerate “gods of the law.” The prisoners all looked as happy as could be expected and all showed a wholesome respect for Mr. Vaupell when he appeared. They indulged in a few pleasantries at the expense of the “Apostle,” which he seemed to consider beneath him. One very officious young tough called out to one of his fellow prisoners. “Waiter! Get a glass o’ wotter fo’ th’ “posse.” The “boys” would be very glad to receive papers or any other reading matter to while away the time of their temporary seclusion.
The youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sanford was taken with spasms yesterday and at one time dying. The child is better today. Mrs. Sanford became unconscious through fright and has not entirely recovered from the nervous shock.
The Detroit Free Press speaks deprecatingly of the carferry scheme across Lake Michigan. It says “The best talked of the Lackawanna route between Kewaunee and Frankfort is to have a capacity of 24 freight cars. A freight car will carry a little over 500 bushels of wheat, say 600 bushels. The 24 cars would therefore carry about 15,000 bushels of wheat. Any vesselman knows that it would never pay to send a steamship across Lake Michigan with a load of only 15,000 bushels of wheat. The steamer’s proportion of the freight money could not be much more than 1 cent a bushel, which would only give her $150 for the trip, scarcely enough to keep her in coal. In taking a cargo of loaded cars over the lake the steamers would get paid for only a little over two-thirds of her cargo. A 33-foot car weighs about 28,000 pounds and carries about 40,000 pounds.”