Grand Haven Daily Tribune  August 3, 1898


“There’ll Be a Hot Time.”


[Adopted to the tune “There’ll be a Hot Time in this Old Town.”

Come along, Schley and Sampson, get right in that old town,

For the Blue and Gray are spoiling to do the Dons up brown;

With your gallant flying squadrons, there must be something done,

For you know the Jackie boys, are just itching for the fun.

When you hear that the fighting does begin,

You can bet, that our Battleships will win;

And when you take Havana, and tan old Blanco’s skin,

There’ll be a hot time in the old town that day, for Cuba.




Fight old Spain until the “Crack of Doom,”

Shoot to kill, and bury her in gloom,

And if she won’t give up, let the cannons boom and boom;

There’ll be a hot time in the old town some day.


Spain will feel our bolts of lightning in old Havana Bay,

And she’ll hear our thunder music in the good old fashioned way;

That fair “Pearl of the Antilles”, we’re BOUND TO MAKE IT FREE,

We have sworn it, and we mean it, WE’LL GIVE IT LIBERTY.

First, we’ll knock old Morro Castle down,

When it falls, we’ll have to take the town;

And when that isle is free, and War no more shall frown,

There’ll be a good time in the old town some day, for Cuba.




When the wires, the news of victory bring,

Guns will boom, and loudly bells will ring;

And when the war is done, then triumphantly we’ll sing,

There’ll be a good time in the old town some day.


Grand Haven, Mich., June 26, 1898



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