Grand Haven Daily Tribune  March 21, 1901



Lynn Turner’s Sudden Death.


    It was with great sorrow that the people of Grand Haven, his friends and life long acquaintances, received the sad intelligence of the death Lynn Turner yesterday afternoon.  The untimely passing into eternity of this young life, which had just budded into manhood, has cast a pall of gloom over all who knew him.

   It is not uncommon thing to see a community mourning for a man who has left his impress upon the life of the city.  The citizen whose life has been fruitful of blessings to his neighbors and fellow men but whose zenith of usefulness is over, is of course mourned by those he had been fitted and assisted in life.  And so when a young man is cut down just in the bloom, and long before the prime of life, the death of such an one is regarded as a public calamity,

   Lynn Turner was a noble, manly young man, the pride of his parents.  He impressed upon his friends and acquaintances the possibilities of a useful life.  He possessed an enthusiastic nature, and to his sterling qualities of character which compelled recognition.  He was an every day American boy, who possessed qualities to make him an interesting companion and whose future career would have undoubtedly been a brilliant one, had he lived.

   The first intimation that Lynn was ill, was a message from Ann Arbor, which his father received at three o’clock yesterday afternoon, stating that Lynn had been found in a dying condition in the morning.  Another message followed soon after, announcing his death.

   The sad news came like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky, so sudden and unexpected was it.  Lynn had not been in the best of health for several months, but he had been home only ten days before, and had written home since his return to Ann Arbor, so that the news of his death was indeed a surprise to his parents and brother, and a terrible blow for them.

   He came home the day after the death of Miss Winfred Maher, not only to attend her funeral, but to spend a few days with his parents, having decided not to spend the spring vacation in Grand Haven, as through illness he had dropped behind his studies slightly, the previous term, and he intended to make up during the spring vacation, instead of spending the vacation with his friends.  Miss Maher, whose untimely death occurred only two weeks ago, was a school mate and friend.

   Lynn was not well during the late fall, and was obliged to remain home several days after the Christmas vacation on account of an attack of grip.  When he finally did go to Ann Arbor to begin the winter term, he was still ill, but being young and ambitious, was anxious to get back to school as soon as possible, in order that he would not get so far behind in his studies.  After returning, he was, however, ill for several days, and unable at that time to look after his studies.

   However, when he was home two weeks ago, he appeared in better health than for a long time, and he so expressed himself to his friends.

   After receiving the message yesterday afternoon, the young man’s father, Deputy Customs Collector George D. Turner, started for Ann Arbor, leaving here on the 6:15 Grand Trunk train.  He was accompanied by Hon. Geo. Farr.

   This morning Mr. Turner telegraphed more particulars regarding the death of Lynn, stating that he took breakfast as usual in his boarding house yesterday morning, and after eating went to his room.  He was found in his room in a dying condition by Cornelius Mulder, a Spring Lake student at the university, who boarded at the same house, at about nine in the forenoon.  Mulder at once sent for a physician and two doctors worked over the young man, but he never recovered consciousness, and died about one o’clock.  Mr. Turner in his telegram stated that death was caused by heart disease.

   Kingsbury Scott of this city was Lynn’s room mate.  His name is not mentioned in Mr. Turner’s telegram and it is possible that he was not present when Lynn was stricken, and undoubtedly was at the college attending a recitation or a lecture.

   The morning papers state that Kingsbury Scott said there was nothing to indicate that death resulted from anything other than natural causes, but that on account of the suddenness of his death a coroner’s inquest will be held today.

   Lynn D. Turner was a native of Grand Haven and would have been 19 years of age the 28th of next July.  He attended the local schools and graduated from Grand Haven High School with his class in 1899, taking the civil engineering course.  He was bright, studious, and quick to learn and was making splendid progress, and was at the present time a member of the Sophomore class.  Jovial and good natured, he had many friends among the college young men and women, and among his classmates, during his two years at Ann Arbor, and his death undoubtedly causes deep regret among his college friends.

   We will always think of Lynn as the “little fellow” who for seven years, through winter storms and summer heat, was a faithful Tribune carrier boy, who could always be depended upon and trusted, and whose memory will always be cherished in this office.

   Nothing further has been heard from Mr. Turner this afternoon and arrangements for the funeral have not as yet been made.  The remains are expected to arrive in this city tomorrow.