The Evening Tribune, July, 1891


City of Milwaukee.


   Capt. Charles H. Wessel, of Detroit, has been appointed steamboat inspector.

   The City of Milwaukee makes four trips from this city to Muskegon July 4th.

   A scow load of gravel has arrived and is being used for the purpose of making a gravel footing for the foundation of the new Akeley building.

   Large amounts of merchandise for our city dealers arrives by the Chicago boat every morning.


   H. Bloecker and Company have about ready for shipment a 16x16 engine for H. W. Williams, South Haven. The engine will go into a boat being expressly for the fruit trade by Capt. J. B. Martel.

   The steamer "Joe" cleaned boiler at the city water works last night, and the tugs Emma Bloecker, Chas. Auger and Kieser Wilhelm cleaned today.


   A trip on the lake last night gave the boys the shakes and riled them up somewhat.

  The steamer Wisconsin arrived in port at noon today, having left Milwaukee at four o’clock this morning.

   Capt. Merrit who arrived on the Racine this morning, says it was rough on the lake last night beating anything seen in his experience of twenty-two years sailing, and he pronounces the Racine as a grand boat in all respects.

   Storm—Last night was a rough one on old Lake Michigan, wind blowing at a rate of fifty miles an hour. The steamship City of Racine arrived in port about two hours behind her usual time and the Milwaukee boat if it left Milwaukee must have run back as she did not arrive this morning. Passengers on the Racine report that they had a snow storm in Milwaukee last night.


   Travel on the railroad and steamships is quite heavy now days.

  The propeller Street, commanded by that popular captain, Thomas McCambridge, arrived in port last night loaded with about 800 tons of iron ore for the Spring Lake Iron company.


The Steamer City of Milwaukee,
Capt. J. F. Smallman,
 Makes Remarkable Time.

   The steamer City of Milwaukee yesterday beat all her previous records for fast time, and this too against the heaviest gale we have had this season. Capt. Smallman started out from Milwaukee yesterday morning right after the regular trip, and arrived here at one o’clock.

   For the next extra trip the boat had been chartered by about 100 delegates to the Christian Endeavor Convention at Minneapolis. Leaving here at 2:30 they made the trip in five hours, three minutes. The table was handsomely decorated for the occasion, being fitted up with flowers, &c.

  After unloading they turned about for this port, arriving here early this morning, thus making four trips of 320 miles in twenty-four hours.


   The schooner Silver Cloud, Capt. Johnson, went ashore five miles north of Port Washington during the late storm, and Capt. Johnson, wife and child were drowned. A tug saved the three sailors comprising the crew.


   The barge J. H. Johnson had her boiler tested last night.

   The schooner R. Howlett, Capt. Tremper, which sustained some damages in the recent rough weather, is in harbor for repairs.


   The new Goodrich line steamer, Virginia, is creating quite a flurry of excitement in Milwaukee where she is being fitted out for the west shore line. She’s a beauty.


   Henry Bloekner & Co. have commenced the construction of a 9x10 yacht engine for J. Henry Putnam, Rose Hill Plantation, La. The order came by mail.


   The schooner Robert Howlett is lying at Duncan Robertson’s shipyard under going repairs.


   The Carrie Ryerson will give a moonlight excursion to Grand Haven on Sunday evening, July 19th. Leaves Ryerson’s dock at 7:30.—Muskegon Chronicle.


   The steam barge Pholitus Sawyer from Sturgeon Bay, Wis., arrived this forenoon with 100 cords of stone for the government piers.

   A boat brought 200 excursionists and a brass band form Muskegon about 10 o’clock last night. "And the band played Annie Rooney."


   About 150 of the employees of Nelson, Mather & Company, Grand Rapids, passed through here this morning on an excursion to Muskegon. They left on the steamer City of Milwaukee, and were a gentlemanly appearing lot of men.

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