Great Lakes Surfing Association
Beach & Pier Rescue Project

Pier Rescue Exercises  9/16/07



A beautiful day for the pier rescue exercise.

  Vince Deur panning out some angles.  

Craig Watson Photo



Ken is ready and waiting in holding pattern.


Mike all set and ready to go.


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Craig Watson Photo


Camera ... Ready ... Action...CUT!!!!!


Where's the rescue victim?


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Craig Watson Photo


Apparently Lloyd is finding an alternate route to victim area.


Back to positions - Take two!


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Craig Watson Photo


Hope they get their act together before I run out of gas!


Camera ... ready .. ACTION!   Mike leaps to the rescue!


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Craig Watson Photo


Get to him quick!  Here comes a set!


Flotation to the victim using the technique Bob Pratt taught us.


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Getting him away from the pier and out to the pick-up zone.


Ken maneuvers the rescue craft for pickup.


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  Getting the victim on board not as easy with waves.   We're outta here!  Little kids on the pier cheered!  

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Craig Watson Photo


Unlike a surfboard, a jet-ski can get a victim in between waves.


A surfer would still rather catch a wave in.


Craig Watson Photo


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