Grand Haven Daily Tribune  August 8, 1903


A Humble Tribute


To the memory of  MRS. MARY J. MCMILLAN, who went from
home to home, beloved by all, Thursday, august 6th, 1903.

Good-by, Good-by!  Thy spirit wings

Have wafted thee so far away,

That ere my Muse this requiem sings,

Thou’lt see the light of endless day.


Thou’st left behind so many friends,

To weep and miss thee many a year;

Dear ones at home, who’ll comprehend

What they have lost and still hold dear.


Good-by, Good-by! For we no more

May meet and greet thee face to face,

Until upon a fairer shore,

And in a purer, happier place.


But recollection sweet will trace

Deep in our hearts, thy virtues here;

That deeds of christian love and grace,

Will ever make thy memory dear.



Grand Haven, Mich., August 8th, 1903


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